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Herblands Repairing Anti-Wrinkles Cream

( 1 customer review )

Excellent to prevent wrinkles

Skin Type:
Aged & Slackened Aged & Slackened
Dry Skin Dry Skin
Combination Combination
108 Items Sold

Nano Vit A
Does not dehydrate or keratinize skin epidermis.


Does not dehydrate the skin dermis or cause skin to sag, resulting in fine lines.

Effects last for 8 hours

  • Water-proof formulation. Effects will not be shortened due to sweating.

  • Nanotechnology, can carry 30 times more active ingredients (Vit A,TGF-B ) and delivers them into the dermis for longer lasting results. It is breathable yet waterproof.

Combination skin

  • Regulates oily and dehydrated skin problems to prevent internal dehydration and wrinkles

  • Conceals skin blemishes, rendering skin even-toned and healthy.

Dry and normal skin

  • Regular use can firm up skin and remove wrinkles.

  • Prevents dryness in air-conditioned environment, rendering skin supple and healthy

Deep cleansing → Moisture balancing → Nourishing and revitalizing → Nano Anti- wrinkles (apply evenly all over the face) → Sun Screen Pigmentation